The goal of each of these courses is to teach you enough about each subject to get you comfortable to start using these skills in your day-to-day job. They are not 100% comprehensive, and are intended not to be.
The goal is to keep these courses high quality, to the point, and most importantly fast and easy to get through. Our mission is to provide the knowledge to access to data to as many people as possible.
It takes time and love to create high quality educational content. In the meantime please do check out The Novice Data Guide for resources on learning to become a Data Analyst, and sign up for the ignosis newsletter for more helpful content!
SQL For Everyone
The bread and butter of Data Analytics work. I’ll show you how to write queries and edit existing queries to get the information you need.
Google Sheets Boot Camp
Knowing the ins and outs of spreadsheets will help you conduct, design, and deliver robust Data Analytics research and reporting.
Data Visuals For Storytelling
Knowing how to use visuals to tell a story is as important to Data Analytics as the technical parts. I’ll teach you how to effectively communicate your findings in this course.
Your First Data Analytics Job
In this course I go over how to search for the Data Analytics roles that you want, how to revamp your resume for the job, and provide resources to help as well.